05 April 2010

Starting Over, Again

After not running for months (the 2 miles I did on the treadmill on New Years Day don't really count), it's time to get back in the swing of things, get in shape again, and ditch the 15 pounds I've acquired since early October. My heel still bothers me, but not nearly as bad as it had been. I walked 3.5 miles a few times when I was in San Jose last month and felt pretty good. My heel usually doesn't hurt when I walk or run now, but it does tend to be a bit sore the next morning.

The plan is to walk/run, slowly increasing the length of the run segments over the course of a month or two, and throw in some bicycling. Would love to add rowing, but I need to find a place with a rower or acquire one. I'm also ditching the watch and heart rate monitor for now do I don't end up going too fast too soon.

Workout - April 5

7:40 a.m. CT
Distance: ~4.75 miles total, ~2 running
@end: 68, 83%, mostly cloudy, SSW@11
Shoes: NEW grey & green Pegasus
Found Money: 12 cents

Walk several blocks (~12), (run 6-7 blocks, walk 3-4 blocks) X 5, walk 4 blocks.

Workout - April 2

9:00 p.m. CT
Distance: ~4 miles total, ~1.5 running
Shoes: Dyads

I hate the Dyads. They are going in the yard sale! Walk 1 mile, (run 4 blocks, walk 4 blocks) x 3, run 8 blocks, walk 4 blocks, run 4 blocks, walk the rest of the way. Around here, 4 blocks are generally about a quarter mile.

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