28 September 2009

4 Mile Stroll on the Treadmill

Watched Monday Night Football while on the treadmill. Go Cowboys! I don't say that very often. Too many other teams I'd rather root for.

Earlier this evening, I sent my resume to a small networking products company in San Jose expressing interest in a sales engineer position. Hopefully I'll be able to get an interview scheduled with them for when I'm out there next month.


September 28, Monday
8:50 p.m. CT
Distance: 4.0 miles, treadmill @1%>>5%, mostly 3.8 mph
Duration: 1:03:58
Pace ave: 15:59
HR ave 103, max 123
Shoes: Brooks Dyads

I really don't like these shoes. Running in them is out of the question, so I thought I use them for walking. They just don't work well for me for that either. Another $90+ shot (bought them serveral months ago).

This walk didn't help my running training much, but at least it was better than nothing.

Because it was so windy here today, I pushed my long run out another day. It's supposed to be nice and cool in the morning (mid 40's), but may still be windy.


My Food Diary on CalorieKing.com

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