11 October 2009

PR! Evansville Half Marathon

I don't particularly condone a ton of Peanut M&M's and Black Pepper Jack Doritos (roughly 1500 calories of junk) as a pre-race evening meal, but it seemed to work out just fine for me. Good grief.


October 11, Sunday
7:00 a.m. CT
Warm up: walk 4 laps around the basketball court, jog ~5 mins outside
Distance: 13.1 miles
Duration: 2:11:05
Pace ave: 10:01
HR ave 176, max 191
Cool down: .5 mile walk back to car
@start: 39, 98%, sunny, NNW@3
@end: 44, 90%, sunny, NNE@5
Shoes: Green Pegasus 25

While I pretty achy the last couple miles, I had enough gas left. When I tried to pick up the pace a couple times in the last mile, however, my right calf started cramping. I really didn't want to hobble in and maybe miss setting a PR, so I backed off and kept the pace steady through the finish. Was pleased to have had only a couple instances of raggedy breathing that passed pretty quickly. Am so stoked to have set a PR! My training has been incredibly erratic, my nutrition has been crap, and I've not felt particularly stellar for over a month now. Chalk it up to being well-rested :-) and to the very SPECTACULAR weather!! Cold is good!
Mile HR Max Avg Min min/mile 
1-2 169 177 162 110 10:02
3 174 178 173 168 9:34
4 177 182 176 172 9:47
5 178 179 176 172 10:00
6 175 180 177 174 9:55
7 179 181 178 175 9:55
8 179 180 178 173 9:58
9 177 179 177 175 10:10
10 178 180 176 170 10:14
11-12 184 185 182 178 10:08
13.1 189 189 186 182 10:07

I think I missed Mile Marker 1 last year, too.
Mile Marker 11 must have been right at a water
station. There may have been a marker at 13, but
I was too focused on the end and keeping my calf
from cramping to notice.

My race stats--
overall place: 1051 out of 2185
division place: 33 out of 126
gender place: 397 out of 1230

5k: 30:32
10k: 1:01:22
15k: 1:32:17

Number of Finishers: 2,185
Number of Females: 1,230
Number of Males: 955
Average Time: 2:21:51
Online Race Results

Morning Stats

weight: post race 144.2
bf: 29%
pulse: n/a
bp: n/a
bg: n/a

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